Do You Have What It Takes to Be a Solopreneur?

woman working table coffeeshop entreprenuer

If you’ve started your own business, congratulations! You are officially an entrepreneur. But are you also a solopreneur? While the two terms are similar, there are a few important distinctions. We’ll break down the differences and help you decide which business model will help you achieve your goals. Entrepreneurs are business owners who usually hire […]

More and More Businesses are Opting for Stock-Based Loans—Here’s Why

Stock market cell phone and laptop

Most small businesses have difficulty raising capital in starting a business—and even funds to survive the pandemic since the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) for small businesses might not be enough. With this, business owners are looking for business financing alternatives. Not a lot of people may be aware, but using your public stocks as collateral […]

How to Work a Credit Score Increase & Separate Your Personal and Business Credit Score

For better or worse, our relationship with money is largely ruled by the almighty credit score. Though it’s an imperfect system, credit scores generally do a fairly good job of tracking an individual’s or company’s track record of repaying borrowed money and therefore their trustworthiness to lenders. We all know a credit score increase can […]

Small Business Deals to Save You Time and Money

Anyone who has spent some time researching what it takes to own a small business has been amazed at how quickly the expenses add up. Costs that are relatively minimal for an individual – postage, for example – can quickly climb into the hundreds of dollars when you’re purchasing for a business. Luckily, many vendors […]

How to Build an Effective Small Business Marketing Strategy

Man working with headphones one smiling at laptop

Living in a digital world has shaped our behavior in profound ways. From how we stay in touch with distant family and friends to how we shop, ubiquitous internet access affects everything we do.  For business owners, this means revamping their small business marketing strategy to reach customers in a digital world. With mobile devices […]

What is the Woman-Owned Business Certification?

Businesses owned by women are profitable, generating over $1.7 trillion in sales annually. Historically, women have faced societal, legal, and economic barriers to becoming business owners. Although it is no longer legal to discriminate in lending or hiring practices on the basis of sex, the federal government is proactively working to help women overcome the […]

Email Marketing Trends in 2021

No Hassle Small Business Loans

While face-to-face interactions with clients declined during 2020 due to the Covid-19 pandemic, email marketing is alive and well. Email marketing trends indicate that this is still a reliable way for small businesses to reach out to their clients and even build a new sales base moving forward. In this article, we will break down […]

Post-Pandemic Small Business Lending and Credit Access: What’s Changed

A lot has changed under the so-called “new normal,” and financing a small business is no exception. During the Covid-19 pandemic, small business lending saw the acceleration of some long-term trends, like decreased availability of traditional bank loans. Other federally funded financing opportunities were brand new, like the Paycheck Protection Program or the Main Street […]