Why Your Small Business Needs a Website

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It’s safe to say we have entered a technology-driven society; the internet is the number one-way businesses can keep in touch and build relationships with their customers. By sending emails, commenting on social media posts or creating advertisements, the web is a place you can target consumers in a unique way. Small business owners need to be aware that they could be losing out on a lot of business by not creating a site for customers to easily access and research. When comparing prices on Google and searching for reviews is how purchasing decisions are made, a website is so critical.

Here are some benefits that can come from providing a website for your company:

Accessibility and ease for shoppers

With all the benefits a website can bring it’s shocking that 1 in 5 small businesses don’t use digital marketing yet. 30% of those that don’t have a website cite cost as the primary factor, which could lead to losing a lot of potential buyers. When starting a site, create it so its beneficial to you in a variety of ways. Many shoppers will leave the site if they can’t find what they need quickly or if it’s an unpleasing site to scroll through. Develop a user-friendly, pleasing to the eye design. You can seek out a web designer or use free web creators to start out. A website that doesn’t bring value to you or your customers isn’t worth the time, we strongly encourage to invest in a strategic plan for your site and make it worth the search.

Advantage with competition

Competition between businesses is only getting stronger, and business owners need to start marketing themselves in creative and advanced ways to maintain and attract customers. An online platform should be utilized in every way possible knowing that the internet is the place where 70-80% of shoppers go to research before visiting a small business or making a purchase with them. More than convenience, cost is the leading reason shoppers resort to online research before they go out and make a purchase. If your company is nonexistent on the web, you aren’t offering your products or services as a top option for shoppers.

Add value to your business

It might seem like a website is a minimal addition if you run a small business, but to be in an industry competing against large companies that are well-known, your chances of staying competitive will decrease. Many small business owners feel their operations are too small to warrant a website. Regardless of what type of business you own, if you want to increase brand awareness, build a stronger image for your customers and attract potential new ones, you should be investing in a company site. Customers want to know you are a credible source to do business with; a website can help give them that assurance by reading reviews and seeing how you portray your company. Displaying content-rich information such as your mission statement, how you got to where you are and stating the values your business holds, can contribute to creating relationships with customers you never thought of.

A strong online marketing campaign is the number one investment our surveyed small business owners want to make. Increasing marketing platforms can help you target different messages to specific customers in a way that will draw them to your brand. Having focus on a company website, you are sure to increase traffic and customer reach. Is lack of capital holding you back from launching a website? We are here to help fund your marketing ventures when you are ready.