Reliant Funding Takes First Place as Fittest Company in San Diego at 2018 Spring Fit Company Challenge

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Reliant Funding took top honors as the fittest company in San Diego for the annual Spring Fit Company Challenge. On March 24, 2018 participants from companies located in the San Diego area took part in the Fit Company Challenge, a corporate wellness event hosted by the Fit Company Institute.

Teams from local companies in San Diego showed the impact of their wellness programs by training for and conquering a 3-course fitness challenge hosted by Fit Company.

“We were excited about the event and came ready to compete,” said CEO and Founder of Reliant Funding and a participant in the challenge. “Our team trained for months before and we had a great time with the obtsacles and team building. We’ll be back next year to defend our ranking.”

The challenge provided local area companies an opportunity to come together as a team and spend a morning exercising, pushing their physical and mental limits and showing the importance of living a healthy lifestyle. Companies split their team into squads of 3 to 4 people who worked together to complete a variety of fitness stations to challenge their fitness level and earn points for their company.

Teams chose what level to go through each course which allowed participants of all fitness levels to push their physical fitness without going too far out of their comfort zone. Participants challenged their strength, conditioning, power, and agility. All participating companies are ranked below:

Top Companies by Division

Large Division
1) Reliant Funding
2) Seacoast Commerce Bank
3) ICW Group
4) LeaseLabs
5) Buffini and Company

Medium Division
1) Host Healthcare
2) Viejas Casino & Resort

Small Division
1) Cadence
2) USE Credit Union
3) Cumming

Micro Division
1) Prometheus Laboratories Inc.
2) Bofl Federal Bank
3) Willis Towers Watson
4) CMR Risk & Insurance Services, Inc.