Reliant Funding Supports Small Business Saturday

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As a financial partner of the small businesses we work with every day, we are proud to support Small Business Saturday. The small business industry makes a huge economic impact, accounting for most businesses in the United States. Help us in honoring Small Business Saturday by frequenting local businesses in your community and partnering with other small business owners to support and spread the message to shop small whenever possible.

What is Small Business Saturday?

Founded by American Express in 2010, Small Business Saturday is a movement which supports independently-owned businesses. These are the little guys that make up the backbone of our nation. Small Business Saturday occurs on the Saturday after Thanksgiving – the day after Black Friday – which is usually the fourth Saturday of November. This year, the big day lands on November 25th, 2017.

Stats from Small Business Saturday 2016

  • 112 million people went out to shop small on Small Business Saturday 2016, a 13% increase from 2015.
  • Among participants, 81% reported encouraging friends or family to shop or dine at small, independently-owned retailers and restaurants on the day too.
  • Spending on the holiday reached $15.4 billion, a small decrease from the estimated $16.2 billion in 2015.
  • More than 480 organizations joined the Small Business Saturday Coalition, a 13% increase over last year.
  • 72% of US consumers are aware of the holiday.

General Small Business Statistics from the Small Business Administration

  • As of 2016, there were 28.8 million small businesses, which accounted for 99.7% of US businesses.
  • US small businesses employed 56.8 million people, or 48.0% of the private workforce, in 2013.
  • Firms with fewer than 100 employees have the largest share of small business employment.
  • There was an increase in minority ownership by 38.1% in 2016.

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